Saturday, February 20, 2010

Well now...

So I have some things to put in storage.  I didn't really know for sure how many storage bins I needed, but at least two, if not three.  I had bought one earlier in the week at Zellers, and then today bought another the same size, and a larger one.  Then I came home and packed up what I'm putting into storage. My things have only half-filled the two smaller bins. Oh my, how things have changed. I have a few things I'll leave out until right before I leave, but they won't fill either bin.  Partly because the apartment is furnished, of course. As well, I have been purchasing new items with the journey in mind, so most of my things are either going with me, getting thrown out, or given away when I leave.  I was finished packing in about 15 minutes.  Wow.

I would like to maintain this lightweight lifestyle. I can move ANYWHERE when I'm this portable. That had always been a hurdle in the past.  I'll have my passport in about 10 days, and I'll be set for 5 years of travel! Wouldn't that be something.

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