Monday, August 3, 2009

Neighbors News

Well, the neighbor below me has just informed me they are moving out at the end of the month, and into a bigger apartment. I think I'll actually miss seeing and hearing the little ones outside. Nothing like the sound of children playing and laughing to cheer a person up. Now who will move in downstairs...sigh...will have to break in yet another neighbor...maybe the man of my dreams will move in downstairs...or another idiot like babydaddy...the neighbor also told me that after she kicked out the loudmouth asshole she had living with her, she packed up his shit and dumped it off at the crackhouse aka murder house down the street where she had heard he might be staying. It's a boarding house, so quite possible. All I know is I won't have to listen to his loudmouth all night anymore. I just hope the new neighbors are quiet at night. I don't mind noise in the daytime, as I'm sure I make my share of noise, stomping around above them. I just want it quiet between midnight and 7am...

I've been considering taking in a roommate, but I don't know if I want to go back to sharing my house again. I need the money, but am considering taking a second job instead, like delivering pizza at night...instant cash, and no real physical chore, just driving. What would suck is delivering to people in 3 storey walk-ups...but that may be a good thing. I know I need more exercise...stay tuned...

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