Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sure is Dark in Dartmouth Cove

The fog has rolled in. The foghorns have been blowing all day, particularly the ferry. A large ship just came into the harbour I reckon as there was a very loud horn that echoed all around. I can't see much from here. I was out earlier, took my mother shopping and we couldn't see much of anything due to heavy fog. The harbour has been covered in a thick blanket of fog. Good night to stay in. Which is what I'm doing. Watching Matthew McConaughey in Contact...yumm.

The fog makes it darker than usual outside as the moon and stars can be quite bright, and nearby lights are all dimmed out by the fog. Good night to watch The Exorcist...which is next on the list, bringing me into the wee hours of the morning...all I need is a good thunderstorm to complete the ambiance...

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